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Nicole Pritchet, formerly Nicole Sanna, was sitting at the front table, smiling, next to her new husband Derek watching her friends and family dance as her wedding reception wound down. Nicole was still wearing her wedding dress, having decided she wanted Derek to peel it off of her later that evening when they got back to the hotel. As she and Derek got up to leave, they were approached by their friend, or acquaintance to be more accurate, Nancy Shefield.

"Nicole, Derek, I'm so happy for you both, and I'm really sorry David couldn't make it" Nancy said with her typical, rather fake seeming smile.

"Thank you so much, and we understand, he's always very busy" Nicole replied.

"Wait, wait, before you leave I wanted to show you your wedding present" Nancy insisted.

"Alright," Derek said, "but don't take too long, as you can imagine, Nicole and I are excited to get back to the hotel."

"Oh don't worry Derek, it won't take long, and besides, I'm sure it's worth it" Nancy said, then leading the couple out to the parking lot of the venue. There, she took them to her car, where she opened the back door, and two fit blonde women, probably in their mid to late twenties, stepped out. One of the women was in handcuffs, but the other was not. "Nicole, Derek, these two young women Sarah and Jennifer. They are your wedding present."

"Um...what do you mean?" Nicole asked, hoping that meant what she thought it meant.

"Well, I know you have taken a liking to hanging parties, so I went to the agency and paid for these two young ladies to put on a private show for you" Nancy explained. Nicole and Derek both smiled broadly as Nancy said this, looking over the two young women before them. Sarah and Jennifer were each clearly uncomfortable.

"Why is one of them in handcuffs and not the other?" Nicole asked.

"That one's Sarah. She was sentenced to death and volunteered to hang for an radiance and have the money go to charity" Nancy explained, "although there is a set of handcuffs waiting at the hotel if you want to bind Jennifer's hands as well"

"I see" Derek said, taking a closer look at Sarah's behind. Sarah, at this point, was clearly on the verge of tears. Jennifer stared at the ground without moving.

"Alright, well" Nancy sighed, "I really should be going, and I'm sure you two are excited to get back. When you get to the hotel, they've set up a special room in the basement for you two to use your gift, and...engage in marital bliss, if you so choose. Whenever you get a chance just send me a picture of their corpses because I have to confirm to the agency that they're dead. Oh, and if they have any last words make sure to send them to me because the agency will relay them to their next of kin. Have fun." Nancy winked at Nicole and Derek, then got into her car and drove away.

"Well, I guess we should get back to the hotel ASAP shouldn't we honey?" Derek asked, putting his arm around Nicole.

"Oh I should certainly say so" she replied, grinning and looking over her gift. "This way girls" Nicole said, then leading Sarah and Jennifer back to the limousine that would take them back to the hotel. Sarah and Jennifer got in first, then Derek and Nicole. Nicole leaned against Derek, who put his arm around her as the limo pulled away.

"So Sarah, what were you sentenced for?" Derek asked.

"Derek, don't ask her that" Nicole scolded him.

"Why not?" Derek asked.

"It's rude" Nicole replied.

"We're about to hang her, I don't know that politeness really matters here" Derek said. Nicole shrugged, then looked to Sarah.

"I killed my husband" Sarah replied, not taking her eyes off the floor.

"Why?" Derek asked.

"He beat me" she said.

"Why didn't you tell the police?" Nicole asked.

"I did, but they didn't do anything. They said there wasn't enough evidence. I tried to run away but he followed me." Sarah said, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

"I see, and you couldn't plea self defense?" Nicole asked.

"No, I killed him in his sleep. I know it was wrong, but I really thought if I didn't do something he would kill me" Sarah said, then beginning to sob openly. Nicole leaned forward and put her hand on Sarah's knee.

"It sounds like you've had a hard life, maybe it's sort of a relief that it'll all end for you tonight" she said in her softest, most comforting voice. Sarah simply bowed her head and continued sobbing.

"And what about you," Derek said, looking to Jennifer, "what brings you here?"

"My fee will put my little sister through college" Jennifer said, twiddling her thumbs.

"That's very noble of you" Nicole responded.

"Thanks...I figured one of us should have a chance at success." Jennifer replied. She never took her eyes of the floor.

Nicole continued to look over the two young blondes they'd been given. "Daaaaamn," she said, "we really owe Nancy a nice thank you note" she said.

"Yeah," Derek replied, "by the way ladies, Nancy isn't that close a friend of ours, we really just invited her cause she's the richest person we know and we figured she'd give a great gift, and she did not disappoint." It was at this point that the limousine pulled in to the hotel parking lot. "Well this is us ladies" Derek said, as the limo driver opened the door for them. Derek and Nicole then got out and walked into the lobby, with Sarah and Jennifer close behind.

"Hello, I'm Derek Pritchet" Derek said as he approached the front desk, "I am told that Nancy Sheffield arranged a special room for my fiance...oops, listen to me, my new wife and I."

"Ah, yes Mr. Pritchet, we've been expecting you, right this way sir" the manager said, then leading the new couple and their guests to the hotel basement, and to a door marked "special purpose."

"This is your new room Mr. and Mrs. Pritchet, here is the key, please keep the door locked until your guests are deceased" the manager said, then taking his leave. Derek then unlocked the door, and stepped inside. The room had walls entirely covered in white tile, with a floor of black granite. At one end of the room was a massive fireplace with a fire already roaring. In front of it was a bearskin rug and a bottle of champagne on ice. At the other end of the room, was a beam, from which dangled two nooses, suspended over a trap door. Next to the trap door stood a large lever, sticking out of the ground.

"Wow, I'll give Nancy this, she knows how to treat her friends" Nicole said, lifting the bottle of Dom Perignon out of the ice bucket and examining the label.

"She certainly does. Ladies" Derek said, looking at Sarah and Jennifer and gesturing to two red Xs painted on the trap door. Sarah and Jennifer each nervously stepped on to the trap door, and stood on one of the Xs, staring through the nooses that now dangled in front of their faces. "So," Derek asked, "who gets to pull the lever?"

"You can pull the lever if I can noose them" Nicole offered.

"Deal," Derek replied, "oh, and you should probably put these on Jennifer" he said, tossing Nicole a pair of handcuffs that had been on a shelf next to the lever.

"Oh definitely. So, girls, do you have any last words before we begin?" Nicole asked. Sarah simply shook her head no, keeping it bowed and crying quietly. "Jennifer?" Nicole asked.

"Yes," Jennifer replied, pausing and taking a deep breath, "Amy, I want you to know I love you, and I know you can do anything if you're just given a chance. That's why I'm doing this." Jennifer stared resolutely straight ahead as she spoke, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

"Amy is your sister?" Nicole asked after she typed down Jennifer's final words in her phone. Jennifer shook her head yes. "Alright, I'll make sure she gets your message." Then, Nicole stepped behind Sarah. "Hands behind your back please" Nicole said, and Sarah obeyed. Nicole snapped the handcuffs on her. Jennifer continued to stare blankly at the fireplace. "Chin up" Nicole asked as she reached to put the noose over Jennifer's head. Jennifer closed her eyes and, again, obeyed. Nicole slipped the noose over her head, and brought it down around her neck. Then, she pulled Jennifer's hair through the noose, and tightened it down on her neck. She could hear Jennifer gag slightly as she pulled it tight. This greatly excited Nicole.

Nicole reached around Jennifer, running her hands up and down Jennifer's torso. She pulled herself in close, and put her chin on Jennifer's shoulder, then fondling her breasts. Jennifer simply stared at the fireplace. Nicole looked to Derek, to see that Derek had a large erection, visible through his pants. "Take a picture honey, we'll want to remember tonight" Nicole said. Derek quickly snapped a few pictures of Nicole groping Jennifer with his phone.

Then, Nicole stepped behind Sarah, who was still sobbing with her head bowed. "You're going to have to put your head up sweaty" Nicole said, reaching for the noose. Sarah took a few deep breaths, then lifted her head. Nicole slipped the noose over her head, and tightened it down, again making the girl gag. Nicole then stood between the two girls, and struck a sexy pose with an arm on each of their shoulders. Derek took another picture, and then Nicole moved back, behind the trap door, and crossed her arms. "I'm ready when you are" Nicole said. Derek stepped forward and wrapped his fingers around the lever, then looked at Sarah and Jennifer. He took a deep breath, and yanked the lever back. Suddenly, the trap door opened with a loud shudder, and Jennifer and Sarah let out simultaneous squeals of fright as they dropped a few inches, and were cut off by the contracting of the noose.

Nicole giggled with glee as Sarah and Jennifer began to kick and thrash at the end of their ropes. Derek and Nicole each stood, staring transfixed for a moment as the girls began their struggle with the noose. Then, overcome with lust, Nicole rushed into her new husbands arms, and they leaned against the post of the gallows as they began a passionate kiss, all the while trying to keep their eyes on Sarah and Jennifer. Then, they slowly walked back to the bearskin rug, still in each others arms, and collapsed to the ground. There, they kissed and groped each other while watching Sarah and Jennifer slowly suffocate.

They watched intently as Sarah and Jennifer kicked and thrashed, very fiercely at first, then began to slow down. They watched as Sarah and Jennifer's tongues writhed in their open mouths, and as a large drop of saliva dripped from Jennifer's tongue and onto her left breast. They watched as Sarah and Jennifer, both very near death, continued to squirm slowly and feebly at the end of the noose, certainly knowing their efforts were in vain. Then, Finally, Nicole and Derek watched as first Sarah, then Jennifer each gave one last desperate spasm, then fell limp. Jennifer's eyes remained open, but Sarah's slowly closed, and her bladder released into the pit beneath her.

Filled with lust, Nicole and Derek popped the champagne, then made passionate love under Sarah and Jennifer's dangling corpses.
This story was inspired by this excellent image:… posted by…

Hope you enjoy the story. P.S. I always love reading people's comments!
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ramharraja2009 Featured By Owner Jul 4, 2018  Hobbyist Artist
Lovely story, if they were hanged together with sex, would be most interesting.
Jerrick99 Featured By Owner Jul 2, 2018
Great story!
luvthebutt Featured By Owner Jun 6, 2017  Hobbyist Writer
wow. Great story!!
Spy-vs-anon Featured By Owner Jun 6, 2017  Hobbyist Writer
Thanks, glad to hear you liked it
Vazarush Featured By Owner Jun 4, 2017  Hobbyist Artist
Well done, concisely written, fits well with the piece that inspired it.  Thanks for sharing!
Spy-vs-anon Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2017  Hobbyist Writer
Thanks for the comment, glad you liked it!
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