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"I can't believe I'm doing this, I can't believe I'm doing this" Chloe kept thinking as she sat in the waiting room. Then, a door opened and a woman in a black suit came out. "Chloe" the woman called into the waiting room. "That's me" Chloe said, standing up and shaking the woman's hand.

"Hi, I'm Kathy, just come with me back into my office" the woman said, leading Chloe down a long hallway to her office. "Have a seat right there" the woman said. Chloe took a seat in the padded desk chair across from Kathy. Kathy sat down behind her desk, and put her hands at her keyboard. "I'm just going to type down basic information about you as we discuss this, is that alright?" Kathy asked. Chloe nodded. "Alright, so why are you here?" Kathy asked. Chloe was confused by the question.

"I...shouldn't that be obvious?" She asked.

"Well not as obvious as you might think. I mean, you're here to die, sure, but people chose to come here for a lot of different reasons," Kathy replied, "What's your reason?"

"My family needs money" Chloe replied.

"Okay, that's a good start," Kathy said, typing away at her keyboard, "is there any particular way you'd like to die?" Chloe took a deep breath and paused for a moment.

"Something quick or peaceful. I'd like it to be painless." Chloe answered.

"Hmmm" Kathy said, "how much money does your family need?"

"They need at least a hundred and five-thousand dollars" Chloe replied, knowing this was how much her sister's treatments would cost.

"Well, Chloe, I can give you the painless, quick, peaceful death you want" Kathy began, "I could list you as only willing to do lethal injection, which is very peaceful, or firing squad, which is quick. The problem is that that doesn't put on a good show, there isn't as much for the buyer to see" Kathy explained.

"So?" Chloe asked.

"Well" Kathy sighed, "a show is what they're paying for. If you die one of those ways, you'll probably only get offers in the thirty-thousand dollar range, forty-thousand tops. With the agency's ten percent commission, that leaves your family with, at most, thirty six-thousand dollars. To get the one-o-five your family needs, you need to find someone willing to pay at least one-hundred and sixteen grand"

"Oh," Chloe replied, pausing for a moment, "what pays the best?"

"While, things involving asphyxiation generally pay the best, suspension hanging, short drop hanging, garroting and bag suffocation all pay very well" Kathy replied. Chloe took a deep breath, nervously thinking about dying that way. "I know," Kathy sighed, "it's an unpleasant way to go, if you go by hanging you'll probably panic the second your feet are off the ground, but they pay very well."

"How well?" Chloe asked.

"Well, people pay more for an attractive body. A girl as pretty as you, I think you could get offers for a hundred and twenty grand, easy" Kathy said. Chloe closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

"Okay" she finally replied, "I'll do one of those."

"Great," Kathy replied typing away at her keyboard again, "I'll add that to the profile we're sending to potential buyers. Now, would you consider dying naked?" Kathy asked. Chloe again closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Does that pay better?" she asked.

"Significantly, and those willing to die naked usually get matched up with a buyer faster, and I'm guessing that you're family needs the money urgently" Kathy explained.

"Fine" Chloe sighed.

"Great, what if there's a buyer that wants you to wear something?" Kathy asked.

"Wear something?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, something specific, would you consider putting on an outfit for them?" Kathy asked.

"What kind of outfit?"

"It could be almost anything," Kathy explained, "a spandex suit, pasties, panty hose, a particular set of bra and panties, I even had one buyer ask that their purchase wear a Harry Potter costume when they died."

"Sure, I'll wear anything" Chloe said, she didn't care.

"Great, that'll definitely help us find you a buyer faster" Kathy said, typing away again.

"Okay, there is one last thing. Unless you state otherwise in your profile, it will be assumed that you are okay with hanging yourself, should your buyer want you to" Kathy explained.

"Can I say I don't want to do that?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, but those who want someone else to hang them usually make a lot less money and it takes longer for them to find a buyer" Kathy replied.

Chloe thought for a moment. "Could I really do it," she thought, "could I really noose myself and step off the stool?" She thought for a few moments more. "Okay," she finally decided, "I'll hang myself if the buyer wants."

"Great" Kathy replied. "So," she continued, "at the moment, the profile potential buyers will read as follows: 'Chloe Smith, woman, twenty-two, African-American, slim build, willing to die by: suspension hanging, short drop hanging, garroting, or bag suffocation. Willing to die nude or wearing outfit of buyer's choice (revealing or otherwise),' does that all sound okay?"

"Yeah" Chloe said, still feeling trepidation.

"Great, now there's a matter of your profile pictures" Kathy said.

"I had heard you would take the pictures" Chloe replied.

"Well," Kathy said laughing, "not me personally, the agency has a professional photographer. The reason I brought it up is that, we usually include fully clothed photos regardless, but people who are willing to include some nude photographs usually get bigger offers, sooner than those who don't"

"Fine" Chloe said. "I'm going to die naked in front of strangers, what do I care if they see a few nude pictures of me first?" she thought.

"Great. So, after we're done here, you'll go see the photographer, he'll take your profile photos, and we'll have your profile published by this afternoon. Any questions?"

"How long until I'm matched with a buyer?" Chloe asked.

"Well, people as attractive as you, willing to die they way you've said you're willing to, usually it takes two to three weeks. We recommend you take that time to set your affairs in order and say your goodbyes to your family" Kathy replied.

"Okay" Chloe said. "My family won't know till I'm gone" she thought.

"Great," Kathy said, pointing to her office door, "if you'll just head out that door to the left, the photographer is at the end of the hall. As soon as he sends me your photos, we'll get your profile up and I'll start trying to find you a buyer."

"Great, thank you" Chloe said, getting up and leaving the office. As she walked down the hall to the photographer, a thousand thoughts ran through her mind. "I'm going to die, can I really hang myself, I'll never get married or have a career, my parents will be devastated, I have to save my sister, those sick bastards are going to watch" all ran through her head a dozen times as she opened the door to the photography studio.
This is the prequel to hanging for hire, which you can find here:…
You can find the sequel to hanging for hire here:…
GaryGurl Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017
Poor Chloe! I loved how blunt the woman was. Great details, and suggests a nasty world indeed. 
Spy-vs-anon Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017  Hobbyist Writer
Renkeref Featured By Owner Jan 16, 2017
Good! Sorry I find a Prequel only after I commented on the main story. Prequel is good too. The matter of fact negotiation of the way to die. Perhaps one casual question about something worse and better payed would be all to criticize this good prequel. 
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