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Natalie had just returned from the hardware store. She had an electronic hoist with a remote, a pulley, and a long white rope. She mounted the hoist on the wall and attached the pulley to the sealing. Then she ran the rope over the pulley and to the hoist. Natalie then tied a hangman's noose in the other end of the rope. Her idea was to find a safe way to hang herself for short periods of time. She wanted to know what it felt like to have the rope around her neck. To feel her life slowly draining away as she strangled at the end of the rope. Natalie set up a video recorder in order to caper her hangings on tape. After she placed a stool under the noose she went to change into what she would wear for her first hanging. Natalie changed into a gray thong with black lace accents and a matching bra. She wore a pare of small gray socks with lace trim.

It was finally time. Natalie started the recorder and approached the noose. In one hand she carried the remote to the hoist so that she could lower herself to the ground when she wanted to. In the other hand she had a pare of handcuffs. She stepped up on the stool and using the remote adjusted the height of the noose to her neck. She slid the noose over her head and around her neck. Natalie loved the feeling of the rope around her slender neck. She then handcuffed her hands behind her back. She was aroused by how helpless she felt. Natalie took a deep breath and kicked the stool to the side. The rope dug into her neck and she began to slowly strangle and chock. Her little lacey cotton gray socks kicked in the air.

Natalie had only been hanging for about twenty seconds when she decided to come down. She pressed the button on the remote and began to lower herself. suddenly the hoist stopped working. A safety pin that was designed to keep the hoist from slipping had not been removed and was preventing Natalie's sock covered feet from touching the ground. Natalie began to panic she franticly pressed the button on the remote but nothing happened. She tried to slider her hands out of the cuffs but that wasn't working either. Natalie's face was starting to tern red and her eyes were wide with panic. She thrashed wildly in the air and tried to reach around to clutch at the noose but was unable to. Looking down Natalie knottiest that the stool hand only slid to the side and not fallen over. She was able to get just the tips of her toes on the stool but her socks were to soft to be able to get a grip on the stool. The stool wobbled and then fell over completely out of her reach. Natalie realized that she was now helplessly at the mercy of the noose. Her face was now turning a dark purple and her body writhed uncontrollably driven by the need for air. lowed choking noises came from Natalie's gaping mouth. Finally Natalie's beautiful lingerie clad body with gray socks hung still.

Natalie's roommate and lover Sara entered the apartment. When she saw Natalie's body hanging she let out a "OH!" not of terror of surprise but of arousal. Sara slowly removed Natalie's socks and put them on then spying to video recorder she went and plugged it in to her computer. While Sara watched Natalie's desperate struggle for life at the end of the noose she was able to pleasured her self many times before the video was over. Sara then posted the video of Natalie dancing and dangling on the internet. The video went virile in less than twenty-four hours.
TaraGr Featured By Owner Nov 4, 2017
I do need to hang out with Natalie
anyone2016 Featured By Owner Nov 1, 2016  Hobbyist Photographer
A great story! Thanks for sharing it
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October 31, 2016
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