
Ding dong the witch is dead!

intrepidangel's avatar
By intrepidangel   |   
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Mature  |  Published:
The wooden stairs creak under the weight of my small bare feet as I climb to my fate. The heavy metal shackles binding my ankles rattle and clank together telling me there is no use in running. The course rope binding my wrists behind my back keep me from putting up a fight.

I had this coming, I played with matches and now all that's left is to follow these men to a noose that will soon set my senses on fire!

As I reach the top I can clearly see it. White and clean as it's job to purify my sole! Under it a stool to be kicked from beneath me as if to lead me to hell. After my wicked deeds hell must be where I'm going.

As the guards lift me onto my perch I see the crowd in front of me. They look upon me with a hunger to see the young girl squirm. I stand here firmly refusing to give them the satisfaction.

I feel the noose drape over my head and onto my small shoulders yet I refuse to shudder. With a quick jerk it is snapped tight around my slender neck but I do not wince. A sharp tug and the slack is removed leaving me standing on my toes.

A voice from behind me reads my crimes to the crowd. Witchcraft, unholy magic, possession, the voice drones on until it asks. Do you have any last words? With a simple no my last word is recorded.

"Elizabeth Grey, in accordance with our laws having been tried and convicted you Wil now be hanged by the neck until you are dead!"

I let out a short gasp as the world drops beneath me. A rush of ecstasy hits me as I became weightless, but it is fleeting. A quick jerk brings me back to reality as my frail neck takes the full weight of my petite body.

A loud whooshing sound in my ears blocks the noise of the world around me. Soon the whooshing goes away and I can hear everything.

The crowd screams with approval. I can hear the chains beneath me clang back and forth as I hang limp from shock. The rope squeaks as I swing like a pendulum to and fro.

There is a look of fear and anger in those who came to watch. They wanted a show, to watch the young witch squirm and twerk in her last dance of death. I have no intention on giving them the satisfaction.

I hang stoic, concentrating hard not to move, to simply give in to death. My resolve is quickl fading!

My lungs burn and my neck cramps as it strains to hold my body. I close my eyes and tried to imagine anything to distract me from the pain.

"CRACK" the sound of a whip slices through the air. I feel the sharp pain of it against my by back, my eyes spring wide open.

"CRACK, CRACK" a second and third strike draw a muffled whimper from my lungs. I suddenly find myself kicking and fighting to avoid the whip.
This makes my audience happy as they begin to cheer and shout again.

With my concentration now broken there is no hope of getting it back. I thrash around kicking my feet as if I where a field runner going for gold. My shackles dig into my bare ankles with each kick. The chains crash together sounding like loud sleighbells in the distance.

As I continued my spasmic dance I feel a familiar burning between my legs. This can't be happening! Not here, not now!

A sudden euphoric feeling overwhelms me and I begin to moan.  My legs stop kicking and instead I begin to rhythmically hump the air. I try to distract myself but it is too late.

"BAM," a wave of ecstasy overtakes me. A powerful orgasm wrecks my body and I feel another sensation.  It is the warm wet feeling of hot urine running down my legs.  

I continue to hump the air until the feeling subsides and with exhaustion I fall limp again.

"CRACK" once again the whip awakens my senses. I jerk hard and with the last bit of energy I begin the last act of my macabre dance.

I watch my feet kick toward the audience and I notice piss, splattering the front row. It runs off my pretty bare legs and off the tips of my toes. I cringe in horror as I realized they don't even notice as they are to busy looking up my dress.

They have the best seats to see right up my sheer tan dress that falls just below my hips. With a lack of panties there is little to obstruct their view.

The pain from the whip begins to subside yet I can still hear it cracking in the background. My lungs now burn with less intensity. My vision begins to blur and my kicks turn to occasional little twitches in my feet.

All is quiet now, only the sound of distant church bells pierce my new found silence. The bells that ring out, ding dong, the witch is dead!
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