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Come to my page and sample my treasure
The work that I do I do for your pleasure

Enticing you in is my only goal
And maybe a comment I’ll try to cajole

I do this for fun, but my skin is quite thin
So leave a few words and maybe a grin

Don’t be a lurker, don’t be a stranger
Its only my renders who are really in danger

You’ve got nothing to say, most people believe
But your thought on my work, will help me conceive

Join the debate, its really a cinch
its all fun and games until someone gets lynched

Hoisting her up to silence her cries
Her screams are now gurgles with tears in her eyes

See a girl kick from her tightening noose
Follow her fate whilst her killers still loose

Her kicks are subsiding as her face turns to red
The final few twitches before her body is dead

Her face is now blue and the twitching has ceased
Her bladder let go to mark her deceased

Cut through the rope to let her corps down
Into the box, then into the ground

Our maidens now gone, her death was prefaited
She died for our passion, your lust is now sated

I see you favourites, some watch my page
Its your comments I crave for, for fans to engage

I’m really no poet, not even an artist.
I’m just a sick pervert, like everyone else is
I've posted this as a Journal before, but I've modified it on a number of occasions and I think this is is the final version. I wonder how many of you like it as a little ditty and would deem it good enough for a favourite.
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FritzS42 Featured By Owner Jun 16, 2018
Point well made.  I will attempt to give comments and (I hope constructive) criticism as well as just favoriting posts.
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Jun 17, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Thank you Mr Fritz. All feedback is gratefully received. 
teppscan Featured By Owner Jun 16, 2018
Did you know that this verse form is called "heroic couplets?"

A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring (Alexander Pope)

I like yours better.
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Jun 16, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I did not know that.
My father called it rhyming couplets. Thanks for the learning.
teppscan Featured By Owner Edited Jun 16, 2018
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Jun 16, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I see what you mean about the syllables. It doesn't quite work, but almost, and the lines that aren't 10 there are some words with soft syllables. Interesting
teppscan Featured By Owner Jun 17, 2018
I deleted my original reply because it was so nerdy, but I'll go on to say that almost no actual poets execute a form like that perfectly.  They don't intend to because a little variation keeps it interesting.  But your poem generally fits the pattern of heroic couplets.  One guy who did write almost every line in an exact meter is Edgar Allan Poe (although he didn't typically use couplets).  That's what gives poems like "The Raven" their sing-song quality.  And that's why Ralph Waldo Emerson called Poe the "Jingle Man" (not a compliment)  And that ends today's poetry lesson forever.
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Jun 18, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I like Nerdy.
The nerds will inherit the earth....
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June 16, 2018
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